All vote ranks details! Please head to our OrchardCraft store for VIP ranks permission.
/rank - To check ranks full details
/ranks - To check your next rank up
GUEST - 0 Votes
/tpa {name} - Request a teleport to players
/tpaccept - Accept players teleport request
/tpahere {name} - Request players to teleport to you
/msg {name} - Private message a player
/bal - To check your balance
/points me - To check your vote points balance
/pay {name} {amount} - To pay someone in-game money
/points pay {name} {amount} - To pay someone vote points
/help - Help Menu
/pwarp help - List of player warp commands
/coords - Tell you which current world you are in
/hdb - You can buy decorative heads
/emojis - List of emojis to use
/sb toggle - To toggle on/off your scoreboard
/trade {name} - To safe trade items with others
/ah - To sell your item
Homes: 1
Auction Slots: 1
Pet Storages: 1
Total Claim Limit: 1
PLAYER - 6 Votes
Play Time: 24 hours
/claimtp (world) (x) (z)
2x Warps
Homes: 2
Auction Slots: 2
Pet Storages: 2
Jobs: 3
Total Claim Limit: 3
SETTLER - 35 Votes
Play Time: 48 hours
/chatfeelings (all)
/itf scan (radius) - To find lost invisible item frames within a certain radius
Ability to display items with [i]
3x Warps
Homes: 4
Auction Slots: 3
Pet Storages: 3
You must be a SETTLER+ rank or above to create your own shop. But everyone can buy and sell from players shop.
Jobs: 4
Total Claim Limit: 6
CITIZEN - 60 Votes
Play Time: 96 hours
4x Warps
Homes: 6
Auction Slots: 4
Pet Storages: 4
Jobs: 5
Total Claim Limit: 9
APPRENTICE - 120 Votes
Play Time: 192 hours
Accessibility to craftbook (check /wiki for more info)
5x Warps
Homes: 8
Auction Slots: 5
Pet Storages: 5
Jobs: 6
Total Claim Limit: 12
ELITE - 250 Votes
Play Time: 384 hours
6x Warps
Homes: 10
Auction Slots: 6
Pet Storages: 6
Jobs: 7
Total Claim Limit: 15
MYTHIC - 500
Play Time: 568 hours
7x Warps
Home: 12
Auction Slots: 7
Pet Storages: 7
Jobs: 8
Total Claim Limit: 18
LEGEND - 700 Votes
Play Time: 650 hours
/es (+ Color Signs)
8x Warps
Homes: 14
Auction Slots: 8
Pet Storages: 8
Jobs: 9
Total Claim Limit: 21
MASTER - 1000 Votes
Play Time: 744 hours
9x Warps
Homes: 16 Auction
Slots: 9
Pet Storages: 9
Jobs: 10
Total Claim Limit: 24
CELESTIAL - 1300 Votes
Play Time: 1080 hours
10x Warps
Homes: 18
Auction Slots: 10
Pet Storages: 10
Jobs: 11
Total Claim Limit: 27
VETERAN - 1500 Votes
Play Time: 1440 hours
/itf toggle - Ability to turn item frames invisible
11x Warps
Homes: 20
Auction Slots: 11
Pet Storages: 11
Jobs: 12
ANCIENT - 2000 Votes
Play Time: 2568 hours
12x Warps
Homes: 22
Auction Slots: 12
Pet Storages: 12
Jobs: 13
Total Claim Limit: 33
BONUS: 200,000 Claim Blocks
EXPERIENCED - 3500 Votes
Play Time: 4380 hours
/rename -> Ability to rename your items with cool and unique gradient color
Ability to break bedrocks using pickaxe
14x Warps
Homes: 28
Auction House: 13
Pet Storage: 13
Total Claim Limit: 36
RENOWNED - 6500 Votes
Play Time: 8760 hours
/fix -> Ability to repair your items such as armors and tools
Ability to use pickaxe to break spawners
18x Warps
Unlimited Homes
Auction House: 14
Pet Storage: 14
Total Claim Limit: 39
Last updated